13 March 2010

Chilling in a not so chilly Mexico

It's a bit strange hopping from the coldness of London to the total summer (in Scandinavian standards anyway) of Mexico. I had already forgotten how sweaty rush hour metros and buses can get and what it's like to cover your feet with bandages after the first day of sandal blister collection while spending 4 hours checking out some Mexican anthropology in a massive museum – but hey, it's summer!

The coolest thing (besides the amazing food and the god-like hosts of mine) was being the tallest in the women's metro car, very much a once-in-a-lifetime experience for a shortie like me.

Yesterday I took a break from sight seeing before even starting in properly, 'cause my little brain said it needed to rest for a day or two. And the brain gets what the brain wants so rest of Mexico city can wait until next time.

Few interesting things about everyday life in Mexico:
* men and women travel in different metro cars during the peak traffic hours to avoid harassment when it gets extremely crowded
* real tacos don't contain any cheese
* being called a blondie doesn't have anything to do with your hair coulour and catcalls equal whistles on the streets
* taxis look like any regular cars – most of them really old – and are really cheap; c. 10-15 minute rides for less than 2€
* toilet paper needs to be put in a bin instead of flushing (which I keep on forgetting)
* the minimum pay in Mexico is about 5€ per DAY

Tonight I'm off to experience a 12-hour bus ride to San Cristobal de las Casas.

According to the bus company site it's going to be very comfortable, according to my hosts a total nightmare.

I'll let you know who won.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Elina! It is so great to read about your adventure! I can tell you that it is still really cold here, though spring is on the way. :) Good you let the brain get what it wants - it's essential. :)
Take care! Kramar! //Anna @ work