28 May 2010

Curitiba and Ilha do Mel - sweet as honey!

My friends in Finland are more tanned than ever and I'm as pale as ever - but hey, I'm on a paradise island... :P

I thought less talk (=writing/reading) and more pics would be in order for a change. Hope you enjoy it!

My host 'Panda', his friend Wesley and I having all-you-can-eat japanese buffet
- who knew fried sushi with strawberries
1) existed and
2) tastes delicious?

After trying all culinary delicasies of the five countries I've visited within the past 10 weeks and doing very little exercise that Japanese buffet was too much. So this week it's been all fresh, colourfull foods and three core workouts, and I feel like I'm on the right track again!

Panda is the CS Curitiba party king but this one was at Wesley's. Panda only brought 12 bottles of booze, a few kilos of lemons and limes and shitloads of ice.

Just nargile, shisha and hookah - nothing illegal!

Via graciosa is supposed to be one of the most beautiful roads in Brazil, but let's face it, nothing looks too pretty in the pouring rain:

Yeah, flour, no kidding.

The fact the people around spoke only portuguese during the whole dinner made me change my mind about this "fun to be an outsider" -thing. No, it isn't. Fullstop.

Doesn't this park...

...in Curitiba look...

... like a real urban jungle?

On Tuesday it was time to head towards the coast, a two hour busride east from Curitiba.

Then a half an hour on the boat from Pontal do Sul and you have this place in front of your eyes - Ilha do Mel!

From the little village where the harbour and my hostel are located there are paths through the jungle to the nearby beaches.

This one took me to the closest tourist attraction: the cave

It's said to be hunted, interestingly by beautiful women, but I must've scared away the ghosts.

I wasn't wearing any make-up, you see, so they must have been afraid the catch the ugly ;)

I climbed on top of a small hill for the whole view.

The wildlife on the island is pretty impressive: I saw dolphils already on the boat to there, then Brazilian Tanagers on my walking path, colourfull butterflies everywhere and, as strange as it may sound to some of you, I thought even the huge vultures flying high above me very kind of cool.

Another thing I really like about the Honey Island is that they really take recycling seriously. But not too seriously as this rubbish bin decoration made out of old plastic bottles shows. I saw also lamps with a similar idea, which could be worth stealing.

My first day on the island ended with a perfect opportunity to test my the sunset function on my new camera: no complaits! Sitting on the terrace of my hostel reading my book with this view right in front of me wasn't too bad...

On Thursday I took a long walk to the other side of the island across some beaches and the jungle and wasn't expecting it to become the adventure that it did: the tide was too high to walk along the shore so I had find my way on top, under and in between huge boulders and try not to slip to my death off the steap rocks. Not to mention climbing a tree, up a rope and crabbing some lianas for support on the way down, like a proper Tarzan.

The other alternative would've been trying my luck with the roaming ocean above me. Or waking up earlier to avoid the high tide which someone informing me about this walk forgot to tell me about. But at least I got to have an adventure, and I've got stratches and small cuts all over my body to prove it. Yes mother(s, Minna & Marjatta), I promise not to do it again.

Over and out.
Next stop on the border of Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay,
where the water falls hard and heavy...

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